Admitted to the Paris bar in 2012
Fairway A.A.R.P.I. (depuis 2020)
Cabinet Sehili-Franceschini (2014-2019)
Consultant at Fairway A.A.R.P.I. (since 2014)
Franklin (2013-2014)
Wragge&Co (2012-2013)
- Town planning
- Public procurement
- Public domain
- Public economic law
- Forestry and rural law
- Postgraduate degree in Construction and town planning law (PARIS XI)
- Postgraduate degree in Business administration (PARIS I)
Seminars, Training an Publications
- Reform of the public procurement law (Formation “Fédération SCOP BTP”, December 2015)
- News about the administrative regulation applying to firms of the secondary and tertiary sectors (Formation SUD OISE DEVELOPPEMENT, October 2015)
- News about the forestry law (Formation National office of forests, August 2015)
- The ALUR law (Article from the magazine « Maires d’Ile de France », July 2015)
- Administrative regulation of the new technologies (Conference CCI de l’OISE, April 2015)