Admitted to the Paris Bar in 2010
Experience :
Fairway A.A.R.P.I. (since 2018)
Gide Loyrette Nouel (2013-2018)
Lefèvre, Pelletier & Associés (2011-2013)
Stehlin & Associés (2010-2011)
Expertise :
- Real Estate Transactions & Investments
- Leases, Property Management & Co-ownership
- Financing
- Corporate – Funds – Private Equity
- Construction / Letting
Education :
- Postgraduate degree in Business Law & Finance, University of Lyon III
- Postgraduate degree in Financial Engineering, EM Lyon Business School
- Institute of Legal Studies, University of Paris V
Languages :

Aurore du Marais is ranked in the “Rising Star” category in the Legal 500 EMEA 2023