
Our firm is a Qualiopi certified training organization. Qualiopi certification attests to our organization's compliance with quality requirements for training providers and enables our clients to access public and mutualized professional training funds to finance part of their training costs.

We organize training courses tailored to our clients’ needs, on all types of issue.

Examples of topics on which we have already organized training courses for our industrial customers (the automotive, steel, renewable energies sectors, etc.), banks, telecoms companies, real estate companies, investment funds, notaries, the fast-food sector, logistics specialists or insurance companies.

With regard to the environment

Liabilities incurred in the event of discovery of pollution

Regulations governing facilities classified for the protection of the environment (ICPEs) (creation, operation, discontinuance)

Environmental clauses in deeds of sale

Energy performance of buildings (service industry order (décret tertiaire), electric recharging stations in parking lots, RE 2020 environmental regulations...)

Obligations relating to renewable energies in buildings (roof panels, solar car park shades)

Measures relating to soil artificialization of agricultural land (ZAN (zero net artificialization)...)

Liabilities incurred in the event of asbestos in buildings

Obligations relating to the recycling of packaging and other food or beverage containers / household waste / cardboard / plastic

With regard to tax matters

The various flows between lessors and lessees (rents, benefits, indemnities, etc.) and VAT

Real estate transactions and VAT

Real estate transactions and registration fees

The structuring of real estate investments for foreign investors

Current French finance laws

With regard to planning matters

Points to bear in mind when putting together building permit applications (in connection also with the environment as regards pollution and ICPE issues)

Regulatory framework on Establishments Receiving the Public (ERP)

Rules applicable to administrative pre-litigation and litigation.

With regard to real estate

Main points to bear in mind for the negotiation of commercial leases

(conditions precedent (planning matters, co-ownership etc.), term, rent, discount to actual value / indexation, guarantees, renewed rent, clauses relating to tenant and landlord works, sub-rentals, assignment, management agreements, condition of surrender)

Presentation of specific characteristics of a commercial lease in relation to a ground lease (bail à construction)

With regard to commercial contracts

Description of the nature, of the operation and of the specific characteristics of franchising 1 and management agreements

Distinguishing these two forms of contract from each other and from other "distribution contracts" in the broad sense of the term

Benefits and limitations (strengths/weaknesses) of these two forms in practice

Points to bear in mind for their implementation

Our specialists