Fairway advised ICG Real Estate

Fairway advised ICG Real Estate on the launch of its new investment vehicle, with the off-market acquisition of a portfolio of 26 logistics assets in France, totaling approximately 100,000 sq.m. fully leased to private and public players.

For this vehicle, ICG Real Estate aims to build a portfolio with a gross asset value in excess of €500 million, through the acquisition or development of urban logistics and business properties in the Greater Paris area and other major urban centers in France.

The team was composed of Aubry d’Argenlieu (partner), Aurore du Marais (counsel), Aurélien Fradet (associate) on real estate aspects; David Franco (partner), Fanny Roeina and Veronika Zaytseva (associates) on financing aspects; Emmanuel Galifer (partner), Sarah Bencheikh and Laura Caroff (associates) on tax aspects.