Tax law

Our areas of expertise: Transactional taxation and Mergers & Acquisitions (disposals, acquisitions, structuring, restructuring operations, acquisition due diligence, tax rulings …) Corporate taxation (Corporate Income Tax, VAT, Contribution on the Added Value of Enterprises (CVAE), Corporate Real Estate Contribution (CFE), tax compliance…) International taxation (withholding tax, tax treaties, tax credits …) Real estate taxation and monitoring of real estate investments (acquisition, disposal of real estate assets and of shares of real estate companies, OPPCIs, SIICs, VAT election, 3% tax…) Local taxes (real estate tax on property, tax on offices, planning taxes…)  Private estate taxation (inheritance and gifts, income tax, real estate wealth tax …)  Tax litigation fiscal (tax audits, claims, tax litigation …)

Our assignments

Consultation and advisory services on corporate tax rationalisation and policy matters and in national and international wealth strategy

Securing contractual documentation on tax aspects

registration duties, VAT treatment of indemnities and rent-free periods, treatment of applicable
taxes …

Structuring acquisitions of companies and assets in and outside France.

Consultation and advisory services within the framework of specific tax regulations

financial expenses, VAT, planning taxes, 3% tax…

Consultation and advisory services for the incorporation and structuring of real estate funds, whether regulated or not:

tax structuring of funds, advisory services in preparing the fund documentation and coordinating the various operators and authorities.

Consultation and advisory services in matters of tax audit and litigation

advisory services during accounting audits, preparing responses to tax adjustment proposals, but also advisory services for legal appeals before administrative courts (claims, hierarchical appeals, etc.).

Recent track record

  • Structuring and advising a fund on the acquisition of office buildings to be
    converted into serviced residences ;

  • Advice for the creation of an OPPCI devoted to logistics;

  • Advice to an insurance company within the framework of its investment in a
    hotel activity;

  • Structuring of an investment fund for the purpose of holding pieces of land
    purchased without a building permit;

  • Advice to a religious congregation on restructuring the ownership of its
    investment properties ;

  • Drafting and follow-up on a tax ruling pertaining to an exemption from
    withholding tax for a foreign OPC (Collective Investment Scheme);

  • Advising several families within the context of their private estate strategy and
    the transfer thereof.

Our specialists